We are a church where people of all ages encounter Jesus Christ and grow as missionary disciples, instructed by the Word of God and renewed by the Sacraments.

The Office of Faith Formation follows this vision by providing opportunities for children and adults to encounter Jesus and grow their faith through guided learning experiences.  In doing so, we connect with families seeking sacraments for their children, while also serving adults who are seeking sacraments or want to grow stronger in their faith.

We provide these opportunities through programs and processes geared toward meeting people at their current level.  Most children younger than high school age will participate in religious education classes and preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.  We provide ongoing religious education for children and adults as well.  Middle School students may also participate in Edge, a program that supports their faith journey through fellowship with peers.  Most high school age teens will participate in our Teen Confirmation program as they seek this sacrament.  Adults who are seeking sacraments of initiation will participate in either the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) or Adult Confirmation.

Sacraments are an important facet of our faith, but they are not an end to our journey.  Faith formation is a lifelong process.  Every one of us is a part of the Body of Christ, and as such, we belong to a wonderful community in which we pray together and share our time, talent and treasure.  With opportunities for continued learning and growth, we foster connections and continuity of the formation process through ministries, events, faith sharing groups, and other means.  In continuing to explore, learn and grow, we strengthen the bonds of community with our parish and our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

In Christ's Peace,

Hillary McDonald

Director of Faith Formation

For information about the 2023-24 Faith Formation program, please contact our Director of Faith Formation, Hillary McDonald, at or call 949-574-7400 ext. 8320.

Religious Education for Children Grades 1-5

Religious Education for Children Grades 1-5

This family-based program includes religious education for children in 1st through 5th grade, and formation/enrichment sessions for parents every Sunday, along with a monthly Family Faith Fun day when our catechists join with parent and child to experience our faith together.  The program is ongoing, and it is the intention for children and parents to stay with the program throughout their elementary school years.

Children seeking their sacraments typically attend the program for two years, with the first year focused on basic catechesis and the second year focused on preparation for sacraments.  For baptized children, the sacramental preparation will include First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.  For others, the second year may include the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children.  Children who are participating in sacramental preparation will attend retreats with their parents.

Classes are held on Sundays at 9:15am, after the 8am Mass, with a brief pre-Mass prayer meeting for children and parents at 7:40am, or 11:15am, after the 10am Mass, with a brief pre-Mass prayer meeting at 9:40am.  Classes typically last for an hour and a half.  There is a mandatory first-day meeting for all parents and children on Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 11:15am.

Registration for classes opens on July 16, 2023 and will remain open through August 27, 2023.  Please contact the Parish Office for more information.



EDGE/Sacramental Prep for Grades 6-8

EDGE/Sacramental Prep for Grades 6-8

EDGE program for Middle School / Sacramental Preparation for Grades 6-8


EDGE is a fun, fellowship-based program for preteens and younger teens who are in middle school.  EDGE provides kids with an opportunity to form a sense of community with others who are of a similar age and level of development.  Through participating in EDGE, Middle Schoolers become stronger and more confident in themselves and in their faith as Catholic Christians.  The program provides a solid foundation upon which to build for the sacrament of Confirmation.  Participants are encouraged to attend EDGE for all three years of middle school.

Sacramental Preparation for Grades 6-8

For preteens and younger teens who have not completed their sacraments of initiation, the Office of Faith Formation offers a religious education program for grades 6 through 8.  This family-based program includes religious education for children in middle school, and formation/enrichment sessions for parents every Sunday, along with a monthly Family Faith Fun Day when our catechists join with parent and child to experience our faith together.

Middle Schoolers seeking their sacraments typically attend the program for two years, depending on age, grade and prior religious education participation, with the first year focused on basic catechesis and the second year focused on preparation for sacraments.  For baptized children, the sacramental preparation will include First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.  For others, the second year may include the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children.  Middle Schoolers who are participating in sacramental preparation will attend retreats with their parents.

Classes are held on Sundays at 11:15am, after the 10am Mass, with a brief pre-Mass prayer meeting for parents and children at 9:40am.  Classes typically last for an hour and a half.  There is a mandatory first-day meeting for all parents and children on Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 11:15am.

Registration for classes opens on July 16, 2023 and will remain open through August 27, 2023.  Please contact the Parish Office for more information.


Teen Ministry & Confirmation Years 1 & 2, Grades 9-12

Teen Ministry & Confirmation Years 1 & 2 Grades 9-12

Our High School Teen Ministry is just that -- a ministry to high school teens where our Church is making a special place, a home for all of our parish teens. Through prayers, retreats, classes, small group discussions, service projects and working with an adult spiritual mentor we call Sponsors, young people will be able to recognize and understand the presence of the Holy Spirit in themselves and in His people and will be able to identify themselves as active members of the Catholic faith. 

Our Teen Ministry offers Youth Nights for fellowship and spirituality, and Sacrament Prep for Confirmation. More Info

For more information, please contact our Youth Minister, Luis Ceja, at or 949-574-7400 ext. 8321.

Young Adults Ministry

At various times during the year there are fellowship and educational opportunities offered for adults. Watch our Facebook page and bulletins for announcements!

For more information, please contact Luis Ceja at or 949-574-7400 ext. 8321.

Adult Education

Adult Education

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, RCIA, is a traditional practice of the Church to prepare adults to participate fully in the sacramental life of the Church. RCIA is a "Journey of Faith," a gradual process of Christian initiation for those adults who:

  • Have not been baptized and would like to be fully received into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
  • Have been baptized in another Christian community and now seek to be part of the Catholic Church through the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
  • Have been baptized in the Catholic Church but have not received the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation.

The process begins in September of each year.  Non-baptized participants who are fully prepared become initiated into the Church through receipt of the three sacraments during the Easter Vigil.  Baptized participants who have committed to convert to Catholicism are initiated into the Church through the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. The process continues after Easter and culminates at Pentecost.

Adult Confirmation is a process for adults who have been baptized and have received First Holy Communion but have not yet been confirmed in the Catholic faith.  Through a personal interview and with the help of the Holy Spirit, the participant’s previous faith journey will be explored to help determine how much further faith formation support and guidance he or she needs.  


Alpha is an exploratory process in which participants renew and share their faith at a basic level.  Alpha consists of 11 weekly meetings in the evening.  Dinner is provided.  Participants review video content followed by guided discussions.

After completing Alpha, many participants seek further community with others who have gone through the program through Alpha Connect groups.

Alpha is offered in the fall and spring in conjunction with Our Lady Queen of Angels parish in Newport Beach.  For more information, please contact the Parish Office.

Small Faith Sharing Groups

St. Joachim Church strongly encourages adults to bond together through small faith-sharing groups.  Such groups may include Bible study or discussion of other Catholic-based materials.  For more information about joining a faith-sharing group, please contact the Parish Office.