The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. It is at Mass that we are nourished by Word and Sacrament then sent into the world to bring the Good News to others. Liturgical ministries help to uphold the beauty and dignity of the mystery that is being celebrated.

To join one of these ministries or if you have any questions, please contact the parish office at 949-574-7400 or email

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Join the music ministry! Learn more about our choirs who serve the 10:00am and 5:00pm masses each Sunday.



These individuals proclaim the first and second readings during Mass and when a Deacon is not present, read the prayers of the faithful.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild

This committee is responsible for cleaning the vessels and the sacristy every Monday morning, as well as changing the flowers and cleaning the holy water fonts.

Altar Linens

Altar Linens

This committee washes the altar linens that are used at mass. They follow strict guidelines on how these linens are to be cleaned. They are different teams each month that are responsible for this most needed task!

Altar Servers

Altar Servers

As an altar server, you will serve the priest and other people at Mass.  When you carry the cross you proclaim our faith. By holding the book, you help the community of faith pray. When you set the altar with reverence, you give glory to God.  If you are in 5th grade or older, please contact the parish office about training for altar servers.



This ministry is responsible for the decor in the church. This group meets different times of the year to make preparations, especially at Easter and Christmas. You participate with the ideas and implementation of beautifying the church.



These ministers are responsible for setting up for daily masses. They make sure that all the vessels and books that are used for mass are ready and in place. They assist the priests and altar servers in the sacristy.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Liturgy

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for Liturgy

This ministry provides lay people who assist the Priest at mass, in the distribution of the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

On the 1st and 3rd Sundays, school-age children are dismissed during the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses to hear the Sunday readings in a way they can understand how God has called them to live out His word in everyday life.



A welcoming ministry to assist the faithful in worship by welcoming people to Mass, handing out worship aids, taking up the collection, and other behind-the-scenes responsibilities.

Tech Team

Tech Team

Our parish team in charge of projecting announcements and worship aids, and occasionally streaming weekend Masses.