Sunday, June 20th 2021 | By Rev. Michael P. Hanifin

On this Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, our readings remind us that God always has our best interests in mind. No matter what is going on in our lives, God is with us.
In our Gospel today, Jesus and His disciples are traveling in a boat when heavy winds and violent waves begin to overwhelm the boat. Jesus was there sleeping in the boat in the midst of this horrific storm.
The disciples woke Jesus and questioned Him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus calms the wind and the waves, and then asks them in return, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?”
Think back to a time when you endured great suffering, a hard trial or felt overwhelmed with life. How did you respond?
In moments of trial, we often live our days in a panic. We see the water coming into our boat and we do all that we can do to stay afloat. We are frantic, so we fail to stop and recognize that our Savior is in the same boat with us. Although it might feel like He is sleeping and His presence is lacking, He is right there suffering with us.
God would not allow anything that we cannot handle. In a moment of suffering, we might feel trapped. Yet, He sees the moment of peace and still waters.
During our own trials in life, remember to cling to Jesus. Know that there will be an end, and whether we see the end in this life or the next, God allows it all for our salvation. Today, let us thank God for His presence in our lives, and ask for the eyes of faith to see that He is right here with us always.
This weekend, we thank God for Father Timothy Peters who will be leaving Saint Joachim Church on July 1st and will be moved to Immaculate Heart of Mary in Santa Ana. His assignment is as a Scripture Scholar at Saint John Seminary in Camarillo, California. He enjoys spending weekends in Orange County where he can share his skills and talents in Scripture with local Catholics.
On June 27th Bishop Kevin Vann will come to Saint Joachim Parish to help us recognize Kathy Lewis and Beatriz Soto, who are retiring after decades of service at our Parish. There will be a special Mass at 10:00 AM followed by a reception in Nevin Hall.