Reminders on Gaudate Sunday

Sunday, December 11, 2022

READINGS: IS 35:1-6A, 10; PS146:6-10; JAS 5:7-10; MT 11:2-11

This weekend you will see the priests wear a rose-colored vestment or chasuble while celebrating Mass. The change in color of the vestments from violet to rose remind us that we are gaining ground on our Advent mountain climb and it is time to take a moment to rejoice in the Good News that our Savior will come again in triumph one day. Today’s readings on this Gaudete (“Rejoice”) Sunday are filled with reminders of God’s final victory over suffering and injustice, and encouragement to remain steadfast in our mission to live as faith-filled disciples.

Such a day almost seems too good to be true, especially when we look around at the dire circumstances we face in our world today. But by faith, we know this day is coming. Lest we grow weary as we await the glorious day of Christ’s return, Saint James, in our second reading, offers wise counsel. “Be patient, brothers and sisters, until the coming of the Lord… Make your hearts firm… Do not complain, brothers and sisters, about one another, that you may not be judged.”

This is excellent advice for all Christian disciples as we face the challenges of everyday life in our broken world, especially in the hectic days that precede Christmas when stress can make us and those around us less than our best selves. Saint James reminds us that we can intentionally choose our response to both the great strains and the minor annoyances of life. In other words, we can be at our best through our attitude, “making our hearts firm” by practicing patience with others and refusing to give in to the temptation to complain. We can choose to see and rejoice in God’s presence with us, no matter the circumstances that surround us.

Given that the end of the year is drawing near, I invite you to consider a year-end donation to the Church Restroom Construction. We are close to reaching the proposed construction cost for the new church restrooms. You can donate at  or drop it off in the parish office.