Putting God Above All Else

Sunday, November 13, 2022 | By Rev. Michael P. Hanifin

Readings: MAL 3:19-20A; PS 98:5-9; 2 THES 3:7-12; LK 21:5-19

As we approach the end of the liturgical year, our readings offer a sober reminder that this life is not our aim and that God’s justice will triumph in the end. Now is the time to get our priorities in order, putting God above all else as his faithful Christian disciples.

Our Lord Jesus brings home the urgency of right priorities in our Gospel passage from Luke, reminding the people around him who were looking at the temple nearby, “All that you see here—the days will come when there will not be left one stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down.” Our Lord reminds us that all in this world is passing away. We must keep our focus on eternity.

Yet before the eternal bliss of heaven, we should expect to be tried and tested. “Before all this happens, however, they will seize and persecute you, they will hand you over to the synagogues and to prisons and they will have you led before kings and governors because of my name.”

This warning may sound scary. But if you are living a Christian lifestyle, there is nothing to fear. You have a plan in place. All you need to do is stick with it. Put our Lord first in your time, with your talents, and through your use of treasure and material resources. This way of life is not easy. But Jesus promises it will lead to eternal salvation and the joy of union with Him. “You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed. By your perseverance, you will secure your lives.”

Do not become discouraged or lose heart, the struggle is well worth the joy that awaits us in the Kingdom of God!