“I say to you, arise!”

Sunday, June 27th 2021 | By Rev. Michael P. Hanifin

The Scripture readings for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time remind us that our God is a tender and loving God who cares for us equally, whether we are limited in resources and find ourselves on the margins of society or we are someone with greater influence and resources. 

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus healed the ill child of the synagogue official Jairus. As an anxious and loving father, he sought out Jesus so that his daughter might be cured of her illness. As Jesus traveled to heal her, they received word that the daughter had died. In that deeply painful moment, a moment no parent would want to experience, Jesus turned and said, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.”

Recall a moment when you felt like you hit rock bottom. Maybe you received devastating news, someone died, you lost your job, you were fighting addiction, or you were suffering mentally, spiritually, or physically. Maybe you are living that moment or maybe that moment is yet to come. 

In that time, imagine Jesus looking at you and saying, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” Remember this verse. May it bring you peace and comfort. In the First Reading from the Book of Wisdom, the author tells us that God does not rejoice in our suffering and death. He rejoices in our faith and our trust in His glorious plan for our lives.

Just like the little girl in the Gospel of Mark, we may be healed in this life, or we carry our suffering with us until we reach the next chapter of our life in eternity. If we remain faithful, Jesus will one day say to us, “Talitha koum” or “Little girl or little boy, I say to you, arise!” 

Today, let us reflect on how much our Good and Gracious God loves us. Remember that whatever we suffer in this life, do not be afraid, God will always be right there alongside of us. 

Summer officially arrived last week, and soaring temperatures are all around us at various locations. We may be tempted to get out of town or spend most of our time at the beaches or mountains. Please do not forget to attend Sunday Masses and please do not forget Saint Joachim Parish. Throughout the summer months we are still open and available to all parishioners. We are here at your service and if you need anything please do not hesitate to call on us. 

This week we say goodbye to Father Randy Guillen who will become the administrator of Saint Angela Merici Parish in Brea. Father Timothy Peters will be spending the summer at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Santa Ana and will return to Saint John Seminary for the Fall Semester to instruct seminarians in the Sacred Scriptures. Please remember them in your prayers and with all our parishioners and parish staff we wish both of them Godspeed and many blessings. 

Next weekend we will welcome Father Miguel Angel Carabez who is assigned by the Diocese of Orange as our new Parochial Vicar. Join us in welcoming him to his new home and community.