All Blessings Come From God

Sunday, January 1, 2023

READINGS: NM 6:22-27; PS 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; GAL 4:4-7; LK 2:16-21

The parish staff, deacons, and priests, wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and the gift of peace, joy and laughter in the coming New Year.

The blessing included in the First Reading this Sunday is from the Book of Numbers and is one with which most of us are familiar. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord let His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you…” In the Jewish culture this has been known for centuries as the Aaronic blessing as it was dictated by God Himself to Aaron. It is important to note that it begins with “The Lord bless you.”

All blessings come from God. One error we make is to conclude that blessings always mean happiness or security or prosperity. God knows what blessings we need, even if we do not. They key for us is to be grateful for whatever blessings we may have. As Catholic Christians, this ought to be our mindset throughout the New Year — knowing all blessings come from the Lord, and our need to be appreciative of them.

To be “kept” by the Lord is to turn our lives over to Him, to know that He is with us and that He loves us, blesses us, and does indeed “keep” us ever in His care. The truth is that to be blessed by God is one of the greatest gifts we can receive. It is available to all of us without exception.

As the Christmas season continues, it is well to remember and repeat the classic statement by the character Tiny Tim in Charles Dickens’ immortal A Christmas Carol: “God bless us, every one,” for certainly He does.