Sunday May 12, 2024

My mom is in her early eighties. She worked in the home as mother to my sister and me and outside as a registered nurse for more than sixty years. Recently, I received a $25 gift certificate for completing a health survey from my medical provider. I used it to buy the book, “The Women” for my mom. Reading the summary, I thought the main character would be one my mom could identify with; she grew up in Southern California, went to a Catholic School, was a nurse for 65 years and had a brother who went to Vietnam. “Women can be heroes” is an expression used by the author that really caught my attention. The author identifies the often overlooked sacrifice of nurses in war. This Mother’s Day is an opportunity for me, and maybe you, to sing our mom’s praises, so often the unsung heroines of our lives.
During this month of May, we are invited to sing the praises of Mary, the Mother of God and our mother through baptism: “…when the fullness of time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman…that we might be adopted as sons and daughters (Gal 4:4).” The Gospels reveal Mary as woman and mother, the first of all believers. I find comfort in the tender care Mary has for us and often feel the joy and peace of her consolation. Our school children will offer flowers to Mary this month as members of our Legion of Mary do so frequently. My grandmother taught me how to meditate on the life of Christ through the mysteries of the rosary. I can say with St. Louis de Montfort that Mary is the safest, easiest, shortest, and most perfect way of approaching Jesus. According to him we honor Jesus most when we honor His Mother.
Happy Mother’s Day, Moms! Thank you for all you do for us!
In Christ,
Rev. Robert P. Capone