Pastor’s Postcard – We Need to Finish Strong

Sunday November 19, 2023

“We usually start slow but finish strong,” Pablo informed me when I arrived at the parish and we discussed the Pastoral Service Appeal. Pablo and his wife Gloria are the chairpersons this year.  Together, we realize that your contributions to PSA really do support our faith and our future!  Deacon Martin Concha is now serving in our parish thanks to PSA funding of seminary and deacon formation.  Our school directly benefits too.  More widely, the diocese can reach members of our community that most need our help in ways that the parish cannot.  Catholic Charities and outreach to the incarcerated through the Office of Restorative Justice bring the compassion and liberation of Jesus Christ to those on the outskirts.

We do need to finish strong as we have only reached 63% of our parish assessment of $80,000.  Our parish family needs to contribute $28,834 more by the end of the year.  The gap between what we give and what we are asked to contribute must be covered from our parish operating income.  We simply are not in a position to do that.  You should see our electric bill!

Please consider the Diocese of Orange, Our Faith, Our Future, in your end of year giving.  You may contribute online at or place a gift in the collection basket with an envelope provided in the pews and available in the parish office.  Thank you for your ongoing generosity and know your contribution funds vital formation and services that are essential to our Catholic Church in Orange.

In Christ,

Rev. Robert P. Capone