Sunday June 2, 2024

I felt such gladness, an overflowing joy, as I helped Bishop Nguyen anoint our youth who received the Sacrament of Confirmation in May. I trust our young people felt the strength and consolation of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, that leads us to all truth in Christ Jesus. The gentle pull of love and the light of truth guide us on a journey of faith that begins at baptism and continues throughout our lives. Parents accompany and support us as do our teachers and catechists. I am so impressed by the faith of our parish family and delighted by the dedication of our catechists.
Hillary McDonald and Luis Ceja, our Faith Formation Director and Confirmation Coordinator need your help now so the oil of gladness may flow abundantly next Easter Season. Soon, parents will be registering their children for sacramental preparation. We need qualified catechists to accompany our youth on their journey to full Christian Initiation through baptism, eucharist and confirmation. Please contact Hillary if you feel a call to work with our children. Contact Luis if you are open to accompanying our teens. Contact information can be found on the inside cover of the bulletin.
Soon, school will wind down. Summer approaches with its promise of play like the Holy Spirit who comes with such “sweet refreshment” as sung in the Veni, Sancte Spiritus. Even though class will be out, the months ahead are a wonderful time to do some reading. Please consider learning more about our Catholic Faith by checking out a free resource called FORMED (see page 5 in the bulletin). You can find thousands of Catholic studies, movies, audio dramas, talks, e-books, and even cartoons for the children on this online platform that is accessible from your television with an inexpensive Roku device or Apple TV. You can even listen on your phone. You have easy access to all the material on FORMED to support your own faith journey and that of your family members for free. The more we know about Christ the more confident we will be in sharing the name of Jesus and the joy of believing with others.
In Christ,
Rev. Robert P. Capone