Pastor’s Postcard – Shining Future and Pastoral Planning

Sunday June 16, 2024

I like to share future plans for our parish the third week of the month.  This June, a solar array and the pastoral priorities being surfaced by our Parish Council are top of mind.  Welcome, hospitality, youth, family faith formation, discipleship, liturgy, retreats, worship space, school affordability, stewardship, belonging, engagement, and co-responsibility were the most prominent themes mentioned by members at our first meeting in May.  The Council will work in June to synthesize and prioritize these topics into two or three pastoral planning themes that will guide us for the next two to three years.  Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings on these topics with me or a member of the Council.  We want to listen together as a parish family now to prepare for our shared future.

We have a plan to reduce our electricity costs in a “legacy project” that will allow us to compensate our staff and teachers more equitably in the years ahead.  Mission Energy is a consulting firm retained by the Diocese of Orange that is helping us and Our Lady Queen of Angels, Saint Edward’s and Serra High School with solar power.  Currently, we are awaiting approval from the Diocesan Real Estate Committee and our own Finance Council to proceed.  The next step, pending approval, will be a bidding process, a twenty percent payment, and installation of solar panels on the roof of Nevin Hall and the School later this year.  Saint Joachim is projected to save more than $850 thousand over twenty-five years after fully paying for the system.  I hope to share more details this time next month.  Please give generously to our Pastoral Services Appeal now, for every dollar raised over our assessment will fund the solar project.  You can click on the “PSA” 2024 link at the top of the page. Thank you!

In Christ,

Rev. Robert P. Capone