Sunday August 13, 2023

Fr. Robert is getting to know our parish families. Here are some questions he had for the Kobzeff Family:

A brief introduction to the family and what do you enjoy together?
Benjamin and Marisa Kobzeff, parents of twin girls, Amelia and Ava. Marisa’s parents, Joseph & Bertha Quintana have been part of the parish for more than 50 years. Marisa and her siblings attended St. Joachim school and on to Mater Dei. Ben completed his RCIA program here and Ben & Marisa were married by Father Sera in 2011. We baptized Amelia and Ava in 2012 at St. Joachim and they are currently in 5th grade at our amazing school. This is our home. As a family, our hobbies include ocean activities, tennis, and walks along Back Bay. We LOVE the water. Besides the ocean’s vastness, mystery and sense of freedom it embodies, we also enjoy the paddleboards, boogie boards, sand crabs and memories we make together.
What do you like, value about Saint Joachim?
We appreciate several aspects of St. Joachim Catholic Church. The sense of community it offers is invaluable to us, as we cherish the feeling of belonging and fellowship that comes from being a part of this church. The traditions and sacraments celebrated here hold great significance, providing a sense of continuity and connection to the rich history and practices of the Catholic Church. Additionally, the family legacy at St. Joachim Catholic Church resonates deeply with us — being second generation and raising a third instills pride, tradition, and a strong connection to the past. We are committed to preserving this legacy for future generations. These aspects embody our values and enhance our experience within the St. Joachim Catholic Church community.
What role does faith play in your life?
Ben: “Faith is a source of motivation, guidance and purpose. It plays a central role in shaping my decisions and helps guide my daily actions.”
Marisa: “Faith offers comfort, strength and a foundation for me, Ben and our girls.”
Amelia: “Faith gives me hope and helps me believe in something bigger than me. It helps me make good choices.”
Ava: “My faith helps me be a good person and treat everyone with respect, and all of God’s creatures.”
In Christ,

Rev. Robert P. Capone