Sunday April 14, 2024

Fr. Robert is getting to know our parish families. Meet the Bello Family!

How long have you been at Saint Joachim and what do you value/like most about the parish? Pedro and Enrita have been in the parish since 2016. They value the opportunity to express their faith through service as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. They are also happy that their children also have so many opportunities to serve.
Tell us about your family; occupations, hobbies, pastimes … where and how you serve the parish/school. Pedro is a barber and Enrita works at a store in a local mall. The family enjoys going to a movie and walking on the beach. Stephanie is the oldest of the three children and attends Cal State Fullerton working toward a degree in Child and Adolescent Studies. Currently, she works as a Pre-School assistant. Diego is in tenth grade at Costa Mesa Highschool and works as an office cleaner. He is in the second year of our Confirmation Program and plays the trumpet and enjoys acting in plays. Nichole, the youngest, is in sixth grade at Sonora Elementary and she too likes to play the trumpet and act. Nichole also enjoys singing in a choir and altar serving.
What difference does faith make in your life? Often, each member of the families response will be included. Enrita says the faith of her family helps them grow daily in their love for God and one another. Pedro says his faith helps him be a good father and raise his family. Each member of the family feels joy in expressing their faith through service. Stephanie has always shared her faith with others. She will read scripture and express it in her own words at the altar server monthly meeting in Spanish that she leads. She is now a young adult who likes sharing her faith with teens. Diego serves as a minister of hospitality. He says his faith helps him get through the day. “When I look at the Cross, I know Jesus is watching out for me.” Nichole says faith helps her get better grades when she prays to Jesus for help on a test. Her classmates often ask her about Jesus. She likes sharing her faith in Jesus with friends.
In Christ,
Rev. Robert P. Capone