Sunday June 30, 2024

They say the opposite of hoarding is decluttering, the urge to purge. During June the staff and parish volunteers had what will probably be a biannual event: “dumpster days.” I find it mildly therapeutic to clean, be it in the kitchen or deleting emails on the computer. It helps me take inventory of what is there and prepare space or capacity for what is coming. I am most grateful to members of Committee Hispano for clearing out the “Barn” (tall garage).
I watched Father Mike toss many things during his move, but we gave him something to remember us by, a parish picture and a great party. Nevin Hall was clad in green, blue and white last Sunday. It felt like we all rode a ground swell of that faith that unites us as it crested into a wave of gratitude and affection for one another. What a tribute to Father Mike! Everyone contributed to the celebration as we built bridges in the community — one conversation and friendship at a time. See pictures of the event in this week’s bulletin which you can find on our website under Parish News.
In Christ,
Rev. Robert P. Capone