Sunday March 17, 2024

It’s Not Too Late
This is the last full week of Lent before we enter Holy Week. It’s not too late to recommit ourselves to the disciplines of prayer, fasting and almsgiving – remedies for sin. We have two outstanding opportunities on Wednesday and Thursday to return to purity of heart through the celebration of God’s mercy in reconciling penance and a parish-wide service of charity.
Our parish penance service will be celebrated at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20th, with many confessors on hand. We can return to our baptismal purity through an examination of conscience, confession of sins and absolution through the ministry of the Church.
On Thursday, March 21st, you are invited to join me in cooking, serving, and dining with men and women experiencing hunger and homelessness in our community. We will gather in front of the church at 5:30 p.m. and carpool to Mercy House & Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter. The evening will conclude around 8pm. Please email Roxanne LaPuzza at, the coordinator for this outreach, if you will be participating. See you Wednesday and Thursday. The grace of Lent prepares us for the glory of Easter!
In Christ,
Rev. Robert P. Capone