Sunday April 28, 2024

Springtime is full of joy. The tending of orchards, vineyards and gardens that until now seemed dormant, are now flowering. Parents and catechists in our community have been tending the faith of our children in love. Now, together with them, we celebrate the blossoms bursting forth, the joy of First Holy Communions, the fruit of our community.
The Gospel According to John reminds us that we are connected to Jesus as branches on a vine. The purpose of the vine and branches is the bearing of fruit. Jesus, the true vine, says, “remain in me as I remain in you.” This is the language of abiding. The verb can mean “to stay”, “to remain”, “to abide”, “to dwell” and appears forty times in the Gospel according to John and his letters.
The Evangelist uses this language of abiding to speak of a lasting presence. Believers are to remain in Jesus as branches on a vine and produce fruit that abides. One who eats Jesus’ flesh and drinks is blood abides in him, and he in that person, chapter six. Chapter fourteen, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth; “You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you.” Abide in Jesus! Better to say, allow him to remain in you! Abide in Jesus! Remain attached to him, in him, with him, talking to him.
Abide with Jesus!
In Christ,
Rev. Robert P. Capone