Pastor’s Postcard – Catechetical Sunday!

Sunday September 15, 2024

Pastoral leadership convinces me that, in the long term, one of the most important things we do is faith formation.  Today is Catechetical Sunday, a day to recognize all those who share in the evangelizing catechesis of our Church.  Today, please join me in saying “thank you” to those who work with other adults, youth and children in our Faith Formation process and teachers in our Catholic school.  Our teachers and those who work in our catechetical ministry are committed to lifelong learning and openness to grow in discipleship as they share the faith.  In the words of Pope Francis, “On the lips of the catechist the first proclamation must ring out over and over: ‘Jesus Christ loves you; he gave his life to save you; and now he is living at your side every day to enlighten, strengthen and free you.’”

The faith formation of our youth must be encouraged in the family by parents who strive to live the gospel through the covenant of marriage.  Parents can make their family a community of life and school of love. Furthermore, vocations to the priesthood and religious life are nurtured in the family.  When I see our youth, I wonder who Jesus might be calling to serve as a priest.  It is not enough for our community to proclaim the paschal mystery, we must also have those who will celebrate it!  The priest is called to lead God’s people in love, nourish them by the Word and strengthen them through the sacraments. 

Father Fredy and I are starting a Vocation Discernment Group here at Saint Joachim for those who are open to a call to the priesthood or religious life and want to learn more.  Please see the flyer in this week’s bulletin for the dates and times.  This week, I ask you to share the vocations flyer with someone you think would make a fine priest or religious.

In Christ,

Rev. Robert P. Capone