Sunday January 21, 2024

I feel the enthusiasm building for our Parish Pastoral Council. Ree Taylor, our Parish Director, created a new tab on our website ( Currently, you can find the Foundation Document, review characteristics for members and view the recommendation form. On February 2, the day after the deadline for submitting recommendations, we will have pictures and a brief profile of the twelve names from whom will be selected six of our Parish Pastoral Council members. Please give some prayerful consideration to making a recommendation on the form provided in the bulletin and return it to the parish office before February 1.
“My only mission is to help you know Jesus and one another better,” I said to the university students when I was a college chaplain. Now, I look forward to members of the Parish Pastoral Council helping us realize our mission of being a church where people encounter Jesus Christ. Part of this encounter is the community we build with one another for our love of him. The Council will not only aid me in pastoral planning but also help build relationships now as conduits of communication in the parish. I am a firm advocate of mutuality. If I hope that you will listen to me and be engaged, I need to hear from you and know your hopes for Saint Joachim. The Parish Pastoral Council members you select will help strengthen the bonds of unity and love between everyone in our faith community by facilitating two-way communication and pastoral planning that is informed by you.

Rev. Robert P. Capone