Sunday December 8, 2024
Prepare the Way of the Lord, Advent Penance Service
Our Advent Penance Service will be celebrated on Wednesday, December 18th at 7:00 p.m. There will be many priests available to hear your confession and grant sacramental absolution through the ministry of the Church. I urge you to respond to John the Baptist’s call of repentance, to make straight the way of the Lord (Luke 3:4), to return to our baptismal purity. Father Allan Deck S.J., who gave our parish retreat on the Advent of Hope, called us all to be reflective, receptive and open during this season so as to prepare for Jesus’ coming. Sin and its effects close us off to God, others and ourselves and are a barrier to the healing grace of Jesus who restores us to right relationship. Come Lord Jesus, Maranatha! Come and experience the mercy of God at our Advent Penance Service.
In Christ,
Rev. Robert P. Capone