PPC Meeting Minutes, November 21, 2024

Attendees:  Alma Cortes, Steve Gaitan, Tom Leahy, Kathy Lewis, Alicia Moral, Mike Kehoe, Fernando Ramos

Opening Prayer 5:35pm, Father Robert

The Chair (Tom Lahey) presented the process for each of the three working committees of the Council to follow in the analysis stage.

The process calls each committee to follow the Ten Points during the analysis stage:

  1. Study what we are currently doing in these areas.
  2. Interview pertinent staff about what we are currently doing.
  3. Interview pertinent parish staff about what they would like us to be doing – what direction, initiatives and ideas.
  4. Interview those who will be served about what they would like (at least three people).
  5. Interview those who minister in these areas about what they would like (at least three people).
  6. Consult with leadership at two other parishes who are doing what we would like to achieve well.
  7. Read at least two sources on the subject and best practices.
  8. Utilize the attached Goals and Objectives Worksheet and/or the Analysis and Smart Goals.
  9. Prepare a written report that includes all these elements.

The Ten Points call for Council members to conduct interviews. 

  • It was highly recommended that Council members working on Family Faith Formation contact the Diocesan Director, Katie Dawson.  Her contact information was supplied.
  • It was highly recommended that Council members working on Youth contact the Diocesan Director, Armando Cervantes.  His contact information was supplied.
  • Both committees should contact Luis Ceja to discover what the parish is currently doing for Family Faith Formation and Youth Ministry.         

Furthermore, attention was given to a worksheet that helps council members write what they hope their proposals will achieve, avoid and improve upon.

A worksheet on goals was also provided.

The Chair did not give a timeline for when the analysis stage is to be completed by each committee.

Next, the Chair had the three committees meet to share the ideas they brought to the meeting and to apply these ideas to the Achieve, Avoid and Improve worksheet. 

The three committees and its members are as follows:

  • Family Faith Formation: Mike Kehoe, Alma Cortes, Alicia Moral.
  • Youth: Sylvia Catania and Kathy Lewis
  • Hospitality and Welcome: Tom Leahy, Steve Gaitan and Fernando Ramos

Each committee was asked to share contact information and meet before our next Pastoral Council Meeting January 30th @ 6pm.

The Council Adjourned at 6:20pm to attend the parish retreat in Nevin Hall, The Advent of Hope.